More than 10,000 couples have gotten married after meeting through, a Muslim matchmaking website that opens up opportunities to meet the real couple you are looking for.

Happy Moments Award

Nazeem & Wahidah

Appreciation by the couple

Terima kasih tak terhingga kpd pihak program baituljannah dimana di sini lah pertemuan kami yg melanjutkan kami hingga ke jinjang pelamin. Moga2 allah swt merahmati team baituljannah selalu.. kami tidak menjangkakan pwrtemuan kami ini rupanya yang telah ditakdir dotentukan oleh allah swt. Berayukur tidak terhingga ke hadrat ilahi atas limpahannya .. Aminn..
More than 10,000 couples have gotten married after meeting through, a Muslim matchmaking website that opens up opportunities to meet the real couple you are looking for.

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